
There will be times…

 Remember, you have everything you need to succeed within you. Perhaps you have been given the opportunity to start anew in a different home, another city, a different job, a diverse circle of team members, and a new opportunity for a supportive, long-lasting core group of friends. View these opportunities with excitement and with awe as they are examples of life’s unending resource to help us learn the value of the beautiful gift we’ve been given. 

Though there will be times when all you want to do is crawl back into old habits, stale memories, and empty promises, always know that you have the light deep inside you that, when tapped into, allow you step forward to healthy routines, to fresh opportunities, and into productive bonds. 

I write with all the power of our formidable ancestors who help us when we need it, direct us when we are lost, and support us until our time comes to follow them. By following their advice and using their gifts we honor them, and thus honor and cherish ourselves. Simply put, it is gratitude for being. 

And so it is. And so it is. 


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